Peer Review Process

In order to guarantee a high-quality process of selection and publication, the manuscripts received by the Confluência editor pass through a revision process prior to being approved, including plagiarism identification with three of the following tools: Turnitin, Plagiarism detector, Plagius, Ephorus, Jplag and New Jester. Once a manuscript is accepted, the assistant to the editor verifies does a first technical revision of the required sections for scientific articles and proceeds to classify it in one of the sections of the journal. The articles that are not ready to be sent to evaluators are returned to the authors for revisions until it fulfills the requirements to proceed to assign evaluators. Once the article passes this first revision it is sent to two external evaluators for a double-blind peer review process. The evaluation can take from one to two months. In cases when there is a disagreement in the concepts provided by the two evaluators, a third internal evaluator is required to provide an evaluative concept. Throughout the evaluation process, plagiarism tools (such as Google Scholar, are used to identify and prevent the publication of papers where research misconduct has occurred.