Analysis of the microconstruction perto de [near] from the perspective of Usage-Based Functional Linguistics
Connectors, time, usage-based functional linguisticsAbstract
Following the theoretical and methodological assumptions of Usage-based Functional Linguistics with contributions from Text Linguistics, this article aims to analyze the main morphosyntactic and semantic-pragmatic properties of the connector microconstruction [perto de] (“near” in English). According to Traugott and Trousdale (2013), language is a network of hierarchically organized constructions whose basic unit is the construction, a product of a pairing of form and function (GOLDBERG, 1995, 2016). Based on data from the Portuguese Corpus (interface NOW), a qualitative analysis of this sentence connector, responsible for establishing sequential cohesion relations, is carried out (cf. FÁVERO, 2009). Based on the analysis of real usage data, the results show that [perto de] (“near” in English) functions in Portuguese as an element of sentence connection, linking non-finite sentences characterized by the notion of approximate time. In its formation, the processes of reanalysis and analogization were at play (TRAUGOTT; TROUSDALE, 2013).
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