Communication, information and manipulation: the ideological component




Communication, information, feedback, ideological component, print media in a digitized world


Communication is not only an informative act. The response, the feedback of the receiver, is necessary. If this does not happen, the communication process is not designed. It must be direct, clear and precise, from both sides: Sender and Receiver. Possible ambiguities and doubts that may arise must be clarified, sometimes even in person. Nowadays, time must be saved, and the technical means are available to do so, often in real time. Once you have made the decision of what to do, the actions must be taken. In this computerized age, there are specialized professionals: a digital influencer or creator - someone who is able to influence people by producing content on social networks; or an expert (carrier of knowledge acquired through the study of a particular topic). We must not forget that we are dealing with people and many of them are extremely competitive. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to a very important component: the ideological component. And that includes: Competition, resentment of not having the prestige of those who want to update themselves, perfect themselves. They want to be respected. They claim the space they have conquered, the fruits of their labor. A Jew admires his most successful competitors, respects them, approaches them, seeks relationships of friendship, coexistence and trust, and grows WITH them, not AGAINST them. into the most prosperous people in human history.


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Author Biography

Hilma Ranauro, Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF)

Mestre em Letras pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro e doutora em Letras Vernáculas pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Atualmente é membro do União Brasileira dos Escritores, do Instituto Campograndense de Cultura e da Academia Brasileira de Filologia. É especialista em estudos linguístico-historiográficos com inúmeras publicações nessa área de pesquisa.


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