Genres configuration: an approach of literary text and speech




Verbal language, genres configuration, literary text/speech, serial novel.


One of the most fruitful relationships within the Letters and Linguistic is of the human person with the language, which hás the single dimension of existence in the text/speech and its genres, since it is in this way that we express our selves in front of others and the world, especially in verbal language level, raw material of luddism of literary speech/text, whose genres configuration we cover in this article, in particular in one of its forms, the serial novel. In addition to theorists of the issue of language and text, applied to literature, such as philologist Aurélio Buarque de Holanda, semiologist Roland Barthes, thinker Lev Vygotsky, psychologist Karl Bühler, other scholars, such as linguists Eni Orlandi, Luiz Antônio Marcuschi, Ingedore Villaça Koch and Marcos Bagno; the aesthetic-verbal critics Georg Friedrich Hegel, Antonio Candido, Alfredo Bosi, Marisa Lajolo, Adilson Citelli, Leyla Perrone-Moisés, Eduardo Prado Coelho, Marlyse Mayer and Massaud Moisés subsidize our article.


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Author Biography

Hugo Lenes Menezes, Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Piauí (IFPI)

Doutor em Teoria e História Literária pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), com pós-doutorado em Estudos Comparados de Literaturas de Língua Portuguesa pela Universidade de São Paulo e aperfeiçoamento pelo Centre d’Approches Vivantes des Langues et des Médias de Vichy, França. É professor titular do Departamento de Ciências Humanas e Letras do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Piauí.


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